Forum Rules
Post Content
-Do not spam or otherwise create nonsensical posts
-Do not make one-word or short posts that do little or nothing to contribute to a thread
-Do not abuse memes or make image-only posts that do little or nothing to contribute to a thread
-Multimedia content such as images found in posts and signatures cannot negatively impact the performance of the site or the experience of other users, please ensure such content is a reasonable file size and hosted from a fast and reliable image host
-Make sure your post content is relevant to the section or thread you're posting in
-Make sure to put excessively long content into a spoiler, especially when replying to a thread
-Posts cannot contain any audible content that plays without explicit interaction from a person[1]
-Do not advertise or post any links for your own gain, unless otherwise approved by staff
-Do not post anything considered illegal by Philippines law
-Do not post any pornographic and hentai content
-Be respectful to your peers and do not flame or attack them; refrain from posting if you cannot disagree in a civil manner
1. This includes roll-over button sounds or auto-playing music.
2. Examples of linking for your own gain would be websites that require you to give a link to other people in order to progress on that site, or referring users to a website using your name so that you get points
3. Non-sexualized nudity for the purposes of art or education may be allowed only if accompanied by a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) warning. If you're not sure if your content is allowed, contact a moderator or administrator.
Signature Specific
-Signatures must not contain spam or be disruptive or malicious
-Keep image and flash file sizes under 2 MB
-Do not use a flash SWF file that hides the cursor - this causes the cursor to vanish entirely for some people.
Your Conduct
-You must be at least 1 year of age or older to use the forums
-English and Tagalog are the main language of Anime Hub.
-You must at least provide an English or Tagalog translation when posting in another language, as Anime Hub is primarily a filipino website
-Do not make multiple posts in a row, edit your post instead[2]
-Do not publicly complain about disciplinary actions
-Do not disrespect, threaten, insult or otherwise harass staff members
-You may only have one account, having any more is considered a form of abuse.
-Do not reply to spam or other forms of forum abuse and disruption, this makes it harder for the staff to clean up the mess.
-No social engineering, or manipulating others into doing something they wouldn't have done without influence
TL;DR or WTF? Bakit English? Di ko naintindihan!
Maging mabait tayo at wag mag spam.
Yun lungs. Have fun